Naak Ultra Energy Bars (4 flavours)

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Naak Ultra Energy Bars
Tired of lacking energy and feeling hungry all the time? We designed ULTRA ENERGY™ bars around the 4:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio to provide you with stable energy over a long period of time.

Inspired by ultra endurance athletes, Näak Ultra Energy™ bar was made to give you a long lasting energy. Powered by 7g of high-quality & sustainable proteins, non-GMO ingredients and a great taste, it is the perfect on-the-go snack to fuel your adventure, long workout or race.

- 180 calories: long-lasting energy with no sugar crash
- 27g carbohydrates: simple and complex natural carbohydrates
- 405mg electrolytes: replenish minerals lost in sweat
- 7g protein: essential amino acids to reduce muscle fatigue